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Nhung dau hieu trieu chung sui mao ga o tay nen biet

Hoi: “Chao bac si! Gan mot tuan nay, toi phat hien o tay minh xuat hien rat nhieu not mun la nhu mun thit, mau hong, kich thuoc khoang 2mm, moc san sui rai rac tren da. Toi tim hieu tren mang thi biet duoc day la dau hieu cua benh sui mao ga o tay. Toi rat lo lang nhung lai ngai di tham kham vi so moi nguoi biet. Mong bac si cho toi biet bieu hien sui mao ga o tay nhu te nao? Toi cam on bac si!”

(Nguyen Minh Th, 27 tuoi, Ha Nam)

Tra loi:

Cam on ban Minh Th da quan tam va gui cau hoi toi Phong Kham da Khoa Quoc Te Cong dong. Chung toi rat hieu tam ly cua ban khi co dau hieu mac benh sui mao ga o tay – Can benh xa hoi gay nhieu “am anh”. Tuy nhien, de bao ve suc khoe cua chinh minh, cac chuyen gia khuyen ban nen den ngay co so y te chuyen khoa de tham kham va dieu tri cang som cang tot. Ve van de trieu chung benh sui mao ga o tay nhu te nao, cac chuyen gia Benh xa hoi tai phong kham da giai dap cu the o duoi day, hay cung theo doi nhe!

Nhan biet trieu chung sui mao ga o tay thuong gap

Sui mao ga o tay la mot benh xa hoi nguy hiem do virus HPV (Human papilloma virus) gay ra. Benh lay truyen chu yeu qua duong tinh duc khong quan toan, ke ca khi su dung bao cao su; qua tiep xuc truc tiep voi vet thuong ho hoac su dung chung do dung sinh hoat voi nguoi benh.

Bieu hien sui mao ga o tay

Sau khi xam nhap vao co the, virus HPV se lam tang sinh cac niem mac da va te bao bieu bi. Tuy nhien, benh khong lap tuc boc phat cac trieu chung ra ngoai ma u benh tu 2 – 9 thang. Ket thuc thoi gian u benh, sui mao o tay se phat ra ngoai voi nhung trieu chung dien hinh sau:

Tren tay xuat hien cac not mun nho liti, mau hong, kich thuoc khoang 1-2mm, moc don le voi nhau, khong gay dau hay ngua ngay.
Sau mot thoi gian, cac not sui phat trien lon lien ket voi nhau thanh tung mang, tung cum co dang nhu mao ga hoac sup lo, be mat mem mun, am uot.

Khi bi co sat hoac sang chan, cac not mun nay se bi vo va chay mu, chay mau gay dau rat, ngua ngay cho nguoi benh.
Vi tri cac not sui thuong tap trung o ngon tay, bap tay,… Tuy nhien, neu ban de dich o vet thuong tiep xuc voi cac bo phan khac tren co the thi co the dan den sui mao ga o chan, sui mao o duong vat, sui mao ga o am dao, sui mao ga tren mat, sui mao ga o hau mon,…

Hinh anh benh sui mao ga o tay

de giup nguoi benh co the phan biet va nhan biet chinh xac benh, cac chuyen gia tai Phong Kham da Khoa Quoc Te Cong dong da chia se mot so hinh anh benh sui mao ga o tay duoi day.

Mun coc o tay co phai sui mao ga khong?

Giai dap van de mun coc o tay co phai sui mao ga khong, cac chuyen gia Phong Kham da Khoa Quoc Te Cong dong cho biet: Mun coc duong vat khong phai la benh sui mao ga. Tuy nhien, hai can benh nay deu do virus HPV gay ra va chi khac nhau ve chung virus gay benh. Dau hieu cua hai can benh nay cung kha giong nhau nhu moc not sui hoac u nhu tren vung da nhiem benh co dang giong voi mao ga hay sup lo, de bi chay mau, chay mu khi bi sang chan, vet thuong gay ngua ngay, dau rat,…nen thuong khien nhieu nguoi benh nham lan.

So voi mun coc sinh duc thi sui mao ga nguy hiem hon boi chung HPV gay benh sui mao ga co the gay benh ung thu duong vat, ung thu co tu cung, ung thu hau mon, ung thu vom hong neu khong duoc dieu tri kip thoi. Ngoai ra, nhung nguoi mac benh sui mao ga cung se co nguy co nhiem HIV cao hon nhung nguoi mac benh mun coc sinh duc.

Mun coc o tay

Mun coc o tay co phai sui mao ga khong?

de phan biet hai can benh nay va co cach dieu tri hieu qua, nguoi benh can den cac co so y te chuyen khoa de duoc cac bac si tham kham, chan doan va co phac do dieu tri hieu qua nhat.

Bien chung nguy hiem cua benh sui mao ga o tay

Benh sui mao ga o tay neu khong duoc dieu tri va kiem soat kip thoi co the gay ra nhieu bien chung nguy hiem cho suc khoe va doi song sinh hoat cua moi nguoi.

Sui mao ga o tay voi bieu hien la nhung not sui to dang nhu mao ga, vo va chay mu khong chi gay dau rat kho chiu ma con khien nguoi benh tu ti mac cam voi nhung nguoi xung quanh, tham chi la dan den tram cam.

Ngoai ra, sui mao ga o tay rat de lay truyen cho vo/chong/ban tinh hay nhung nguoi than trong gia dinh, ban be neu co tiep xuc truc tiep voi dich mu cua nguoi benh.

Ton thuong tu cac u nhu sui mao ga tao co hoi cho viem nhiem phat trien anh huong toi suc khoe.

Nguoi mac benh sui mao ga co nguy co bi suy giam he mien dich nen rat de nhiem vi khuan xam nhap gay benh, dac biet la cac benh lay truyen qua duong tinh duc nhu lau, giang mai, mun rop sinh duc, HIV,…

Ben canh do, sui mao ga o tay khi lay nhiem sang cac bo phan khac se lam tang nguy co bi ung thu co tu cung, ung thu duong vat, ung thu vom hong, ung thu hau mon.

Bac si tu van online mien phi 24/24h

Do vay, khi dau hieu mac benh sui mao ga o tay nguoi benh can nhanh chong den co so y te chuyen khoa de duoc tham kham va dieu tri cang som cang tot.


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Posted on 7/28/22 1:51 AM.
"Al-Ahliyya Amman University
AAU Started providing academic services in 1990, Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) was the first private university and pioneer of private education in Jordan. AAU has been accorded institutional and programmatic accreditation. It is a member of the International Association of Universities, Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World, Union of Arab Universities and Association of Arab Private Institutions of Higher Education. AAU always seeks distinction by upgrading learning outcomes through the adoption of methods and strategies that depend on a system of quality control and effective follow-up at all its faculties, departments, centers and administrative units. The overall aim is to become a flagship university not only at the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan level but also at the Arab World level. In this vein, AAU has adopted Information Technology as an essential ingredient in its activities, especially e-learning, and it has incorporated it in its educational processes in all fields of specialization to become the first such university to do so."
Posted on 12/20/23 12:01 PM.